Its been five months now since the seizure I had on 1st April (yeah, what a cruel joke). Anyway, I’m on medication now and I thought that I was beggining to get my confidence back. Now, I can go to public places alone for short periods of time without feeling afraid, things like that.
Apparently my confidence does not extend to my subconcious mind. On Saturday night I dreamed that I was about to be struct by a bolt of lighting. I moved quickly out of its path and that woke me up with a jolt. The jolt felt like a jerk and my first thought was did I just have another seizure? I read that some people see flashes of light just before one.
I was afraid to go back to sleep for a while but I eventually did…. only to dream that hubby was bending over me with a concerned look saying “Hon, did you know that you just had another seizure?” Thats my most dreaded sentence. All I could do was ask “Is it?” without knowing what had passed, only feeling tired, so very tired. All that happened in my dream almost like what happened 5 months ago. Sigh. When will I stop feeling afraid?
I had one or two sleep paralysis moments upon awakening a few months ago. Doc says its got nothing to do with a seizure and it happens mostly to teenagers. Still it was very scary to be awake and unable to move, talk or wake up. And afterwards I felt so tired throughout the day. Really scary.
Oh well, I’m just blogging this for the sake of recording this down. Now back to writing happier more positive things. Why write such black thoughts on a Monday morning?
Hope u are fine, Mumsgather 🙂
I’m fine, just paranoid!
Hey, can understand your fear. Yes, just keep your health in check but focus on happier things.
Focus on happier things. I will try to remember that. Thanks. 🙂
He has the same question to me too. “You fit just know, you know or not?” and my answer, “Is it?…ya, wonder I ache all over”….. We same lar..
 Worse still is when my girl says to me “Mummy, I scared of the sound you made.” Haiy!
The idea of having a seizure in one’s sleep is particularly frightening to me. I feel for you.
I wish you all of the best!
I know its very late hope your ok now
live long life
@Nonar: me too, I hope you are okay pal
I can’t even imagine having a seizure, let alone living with the fear of having another one. I commend you for your strength.
Wow. I can’t imagine how bad it must feel to not know when you will have another seizure. My dog started having seizures about 5 years ago and whenever he has one it breaks my heart and I cry for him. But with medication he has gone without a seizure for more than a year. Just take good care of yourself and take the right medications and I think you would have no problem.
my brother has similar symptoms sometimes, he had two brain tumors as a kid and if we are playing badminton and he gets overheated he can have small fits and that, must be hard to deal with. all the best
A close famiy member has seizures which can be quite frightening if you don’t know what is happening. She is now 84 years of age and lives a very full life. Everyone around her knows of her condition and know how to cope.All the best.