They say being copied is the best form of flattery. However, in the blogosphere, you do not want to be copied, believe me.

The first time I was copied was the most creepy of all. There was a person who took some of my personal blog posts and pretended they were hers. Now, that was spooky. I think that copying general works is plagiarizing, however copying personal words and conversations are simply creepy. She also copied some images and a couple of blog posts from other bloggers but she was soon found out and disappeared soon after that. Well, that was that.

Later on, I found out that my entire blog was being copied in its entirety, along with images and everything else on it. I was taught to put up a fake post with a silly image and so I did. I put up a post with a picture of people carrying a banner that says that the blog (url) was copying content and that blog picked up that blog post as well and it was published in that fake post was published on that blog as well. It disappeared soon after that. That was the end of that.

Now, from time to time, I realise my blog posts are being copied by spam blogs and there is not much I can do about it. However, the latest incident is a pain. My blog post was copied again. This time I can’t put up a fake post because this blog picks up the rss of several blogs and passes it off as its own. Then it earns advertising revenue from links and ads on its blog. I can’t put up a fake post because I don’t know which of my posts will be picked up. Unfortunately, it copied a sponsored post of mind and my post was rejected because of duplicate content! The advertiser thought that I was the one who had copied the post!

After I wrote to them, the middle man realised that the other blog may be a spam blog but the question is what to do? They have said that they will need to investigate, check with their manager etc before getting back to me. However, I decided that I have to be professional about it. I have offered to remove the advertiser links from that post, report the spam to google and then rewrite a new blog post for the advertiser. Such a lot of work! However, even though the amount is small, I feel that I must be professional even though I am only a small time occassional paid post writer. I will also write to the other bloggers whose posts have been copied and ask them to report the spam to google as well. What would you do  if you were me?

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