Thor traversed great seas and finally made it to our shores. I hope he didn’t get seasick! It took 3 months but he finally made it here. Lol! Next time I won’t be so kedekut and I’ll buy Thor an air ticket instead. Hahaha.

He made it here in good shape and hubby loves it. I got a big smackeroo for it and hubby says “Next year for my birthday can you get me Dr Strange or Silver Surfer?” Hehe. Anytime, my dear, anytime.

Psstt. Yunno wut anot?  Luckily, Thor made it here in good time. Hubby was just telling me that this year I won’t be getting any birthday present because he didn’t get any. Phew! So thank goodness he made it here before my birthday. Haha.

Now, lets see what I want for my birthday. I’ve hinted that I wanted something that makes music in the room. Lol! Must hint mah. If no hint hint, might get something I dunwan. Do you hint to your spouse on what you would like to get for your birthday?

A long holiday is coming up for us here soon, so happy holidays everyone!


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