My children are learning Chinese, English and Malay at the same time in school. This is how I teach them languages at home. It does not matter what language, the principal is the same. It is easier for them to grasp the concept when there is synergy even though they are learning 3 different languages […]
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Month: June 2011
Poor Little Boy
There is this little boy that used to sit beside my boy in class. He is quite new, having joined the class sometime in the middle of the school term. My boy tells me that he is very naughty. He would constantly disturb him. Recently at the Parent Teacher’s Conference, the little girl who also […]
Quotes and Sayings Online Store
I have been getting rather stagnant in my blogging. I find that I no longer try new things, work on my template etc but thanks to some newer bloggers on the blog, my interest has beeen revived. So, yesterday I had a look at my Stats. It has been so long since I had a […]
When should kids start having a facebook...
Let us face it. Our children are now living in the digital age where everything moves at a faster speed and is less tangible than before. When before we need only be concerned with telephone usage and tv time, now we have to worry about iphones, iPads, twitter, sms, many other handheld gaming devices and […]