We were raised very differently, my spouse and I. He was brought up in a strict manner. His parents were strict on food, strict on toys, strict on studies. As for me, mom died when I was 10. Dad was a policeman and he had 5 of us to look after in addition to making […]
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Category: About the kids
Daiso burned my pocket
We went to Daiso at The Curve yesterday to get my girl a RM5 digital watch to replace her broken one and ended up RM60 poorer with all sorts and manners of knick knacks, decorative items, stationery, origami paper etc. Oops! We were in a hurry. Otherwise, the hole in our pockets would have been […]
Thean Hou Gong Temple
This year for Chinese New Year we visited the Thean Hou Gong Temple twice. I never know how to spell the Thean Hou Gong temple. I think where pinyin is concerned it should read Tian Hou Gong temple meaning The Heavenly Queen’s Palace. However, I’ve often seen it spelled as Thean Hou Gong (in fact […]
Chinese New Year Family Routine and Trad...
There are traditions and there are family routines. Tradition may be brought down from generation to generation but I believe that family routines can be created by your family and then enjoyed from year to year. The kids are older now and our Chinese New Year routine has been established. Before, when they were younger, […]