I have been getting rather stagnant in my blogging. I find that I no longer try new things, work on my template etc but thanks to some newer bloggers on the blog, my interest has beeen revived. So, yesterday I had a look at my Stats. It has been so long since I had a look at it that I have forgotten my password! Some time ago, my stats used to fascinate me. I would run to my pc every few moments to check it out. It was exciting to see where my visitors were coming from, which url, which keyword, which country.

Yesterday, I took a peek and I saw that my blogs had become different “animals”. My Mothering Times Blog and Parenting Times Blog had visitors mainly from US (around 70% and 60%)  and they were coming mostly from search engines with Malaysian visitors making up only 4% – 5%. This blog has 50% Malaysian and 50% visitors from other parts of the world. Interesting….

Then I had a look at my Quotes Station blog. Well, that blog wasn’t earning much from Adsense or anything else for that matter. I don’t  have time to update it very much so I can’t do sponsored posts or have text link ads as well. That means I have space for something else. Eventually, I decided on Amazon aStore. I had this store before on my Mothering Times blog but it wasn’t very successful. All my blogs were fighting for ad space, so I removed all Amazon ads from all of my blogs. However, I still have an account. An account with a paltry $5 I had earned in 2007. It is stuck because you can only cash out if you earn $100 (like Adsense) or you can claim Amazon certificates starting from $10 and above. That is not too bad. At least I can shop online using monies earned from commission.

Finally, I decided that for my Quotestation blog, which still has a lof of space for ads, the best avenue to earn passive income in my pyjamas is Amazon. So, I began setting up my Quotes Station Store this morning. It is finally up. It is really fun setting up store. The hard part is getting my store up in the search engines for my Quotes and Sayings specially selected products.

By the way, I need some input. Can you give me your feedback on….

  • my store name
  • my store categories
  • my store products (any suggestions for anything else relevant would be most appreciated)
  • my store colour and appearance (not much I can do here accept change background colours etc because it is automated)
  • anything else you can think of

Here is my blog post on Quotes Station “announcing” the birth of my Quotes and Sayings Online Store.

That is it then. The first step. Wish me luck!

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