Recently I was given a brochure on the home tuition that is available for Primary School Students for the Year 2009.

The first thing that came to my mind was…….. “Well, the new school year is just around the corner, so I will probably be getting more of these leaflets very soon.”

However, on a closer look, I read that “Classes commence on Nov 2008 Oops! Is there a misprint here? Did it say NOVEMBER? NOVEMBER?!, which is when the school holiday starts?

First, the tuition is for PRIMARY school students. Second, the school year starts in JANUARY 2009. Third, its coming towards the end of the year now and many people usually feel in a jolly good holiday mood at this time of the year and the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS starts in mid November.

Why would anyone in their right minds want to send their primary school going kids for tuition DURING THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS for???!!  I thought that tuition is supposed to be a guide to help students in their homework or assignments or to help them catch up in class when they don’t understand whats being taught or to prepare for exams.

However kiasu parents have taken it one step further. Now tuition is done during the school holidays, before the school year starts and before the subject is even taught in school, so that one can be ahead of their peers?

What do you think everyone? Are we kiasu or not? The fact that there are home tuition services like that around simply shows that there is a demand for it. Scary isn’t it, the level of kiasuness?

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