I’ve been having a lot of termite problems lately. In fact, the termites destroyed about a third of the parquet flooring in one room. They also ate up one bedside table, a clothes cupboard and a shelf. Arggh! That resulted in us having to DIY to repair and replace our damaged parquet flooring and to this post.
Here is how to repair your own parquet flooring. I’ll just share what we did here.
Step 1: Clean the area before affixing the parquet. I had to dig up all the damaged parquet with the little termites in them. Yuck! This took me a day or two.
Step 2: You will need to purchase the parquet tiles and an adhesive. We also needed the skirting as that was damaged too!
Step 3: The Parquet Tiles comes in different sizes. Remember to measure the parquet in your room and buy the right sized parquet tiles. Initially, I bought the wrong sized ones. You will need sandpaper too for sanding the tiles for a smooth finish once you have finished glueing them
Step 4: The tiles are stuck onto a paper so you will first have to remove the paper at the back of the tiles.
Step 5: Get a strong, thick adhesive to stick your parquet tiles onto the floor.
Step 6: Glue the tiles on one at a time. It is rather like fixing a jigsaw puzzle
Step 7: Nearly done now. If you have just one or two tiles to repair, then it is very much easier, all you need is to get an adhesive and glue the tile back yourself. We do it all the time for loose parquet tiles.
Step 8: All done but hey, the tiles look different in color!
Step 9: You will need a paint and a soft parquet brush or a sponge which I prefer, to paint the parquet to the original darker wood color that you want
Step 10: Use sandpaper to sand the parquet tiles to a smooth finish, clean up and then paint the tiles to with a wood paint to the color you want. Remember to paint evenly. We had uneven patches because we got the wrong color paint! To match the rest, we had to paint one light coating of paint over the old parquet as well. We painted a thicker coat over the new parquet tiles but not satisfied with the one coating in some areas, we painted two coatings and ended up with uneven dark patches. We had to paint the skirting too.
Step 11: Finally, give your painted parquet floor a varnish using shellac as an overcoat. We have done a recoat with shellac on our other parquet floors which had scratches before but this is the most major parquet DIY fixing, replacing and repair we have done. If you skip this part, your floor will feel a bit rough.
The parquet DIY repair job took us two days. (not including the two days we spent digging the old ones out). It was a two man job. Me and my husband.
I dugged out most of the old parquet tiles myself and painted the whole parquet floor all by myself as the man was at work. We worked on fixing the tiles together.
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