So everyone is affected by the recent google page rank revamp. Semua kena demotion. Lol! Nevermindlah, sama sama turun. It merely means that everyone has come down a step or two. It would matter if you were the only one affected though but since everyone, even the big boys are affected, its really no big deal.
I tried to check my page rank using a page rank checking tool so the first thing I did was to google “google page rank checker”. These are the top 3 that came out from my search results.
I tried to check my google page rank for this blog using all the 3 tools above. The first one showed a PR of 4, the second one showed a PR of 2, the third one showed a PR of 3. Hmmm… I guess some of them are not quick enough to adjust their formula to show the latest results. They showed varying results for my other blogs as well. Was happy for a while thinking that I was not affected when I tried the blogflux tool. Lol!
Previously, I used to have one blog with PR4 and two others with PR5. After a revamp was demoted to PR4 for all. Now it looks like another demotion leaving me with 3, 2, 2. To me, this second round of revamp does not make a difference to me. It made a difference when I went down from PR5 to PR4.
PR is just a number. So who cares? I’ll just blog on as usual. How about you?
Yalor..just blog as usual! keep up the spirit!
Nothing to it. Just blog on.
Not to brag but my 2 months old blog promoted from 0 – 3 which I found weird coz not much traffic also. So I think I’ll just blog as usual though I do have plans to monetize it later…
Yee? 2 months old turned 3 adi. Good. Good. Hehe.
I think most of the blogs also affected by this page rank revamp..what to do? yes, just blog as usual!
We’re all in the same boat.
Blog because you love to blog, PR is beyond our control so thats the best we can do.
Its not really beyond our control but if we try too hard to do something about it, it takes the pleasure out of blogging.
It got me this time, but i’m prepared for it. It’s been a great year though and i’ve made a lot with my working blogs. It’s just back to blogging as usual. Nothing’s amiss. Still as happy, and i guess more time for other things. Like knitting for example…. how’s your cross stitch? Still inside your drawer?
How did you know its STILL inside my drawer? Hahaha. I don’t know where you find the time to knit AND blog. Tabik.