Its the last day of school for the girl today and the boy tomorrow….. which means that I shall be very, very busy in the next 6 weeks…. being……

  • referree to settle fights between a 5 year old and a 7 year old (this will probably be my main role)
  • a tuition teacher (since we’ve been given next year’s text books, might as well start looking at some of them)
  • an art teacher (still want to learn some oil pastel techniques to teach the kids)
  • a scientist conducting science experiments
  • a chef…. well, no, just daydreaming …… actually, I’d really like to bake with the kids, but I still don’t have an oven
  • a music teacher (theres a piano concert to prepare for)

We’d also really like to go for a day trip or two … or perhaps to the cinema… if its not too crowded… we musn’t get too complacent as there is talk about an H1N1 second wave.

We also need to make all those yearly dreaded appointments to the dentist, the gynae for a pap-smear, perhaps the neuro for a third opinion. Sigh. I’m not looking forward to those.

Gosh! With so many activities, I believeย 6 weeks will just fly by! I wish the school holidays is 3 months otherwise tak puas. Its too short!

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