The other day I got a call from the gynae’s office reminding me to go for my pap smear. Bleargh! I complain but I really should get round to it soon for my own good. And my girl looks like she needs a visit to the dentist soon. Her new front teeth has come in and the old one refuses to drop off so she’s got two rows of teetch. Hmm….
And of course, my routine doctor’s visit is due too. I remember how I agonised over it. I’m calmer now but I still don’t look forward to it. My doctor’s visit is the only time I get to “pak tor” with hubby as we send the kids to a relative so they don’t have to endure the boring wait but most importantly we don’t want them to overhear some of the discussion and become scared and worried about something they do not understand. Otherwise we usually take them with us everywhere we go.
I’ll try not to be so anxious over this doctor’s visit because I remember my over anxiousness turned my “pak tor” session into a disaster the last time. Hubby was just as anxious as me. Its a long story but the gist of it is I forgot something important about the medication and from holding hands (which is rare and strange these days because the kids are always around) to the doctor’s office, we left there with me crying sorry tears for myself and telling him that he shouldn’t nag me and he wasn’t the one who was sick to him telling me that being sick does not mean you are king.
A stranger reading this may think hubby is mean for telling me that but he is not. Its just that the previous appointment was so hyped up by our over anxiousness and because we are so different in nature. Hubby is the type who is very diligent, practical, efficient must do everything on the spot kinda guy whereas I’m the no-brainer in the family, always dreamy, emotional and impulsive. Our differences make it difficult for us to understand each other sometimes. Sometimes I think he’s the sweetest, bestest hubby in the world but sometimes I get so mad at him. Reminds me of the saying “Sometimes you’re the bug, sometimes you’re the windshield.” 😉
I hope to get these appointments over with and out of the way so that I don’t have them hanging over my head.
Don’t worry you’ll be fine. I sometimes over-react too. And you’re very thoughtful by not taking your kids with you for appointments to protect them.
I guess that’s normal for husband and wife. My hubby is like that too sometimes. He sometimes very sweet and loving, but sometimes he can an idiot with his short-tempered and I feel like knocking him on his head.
But overall I nag more than him. The good thing about him is he’s good at ignoring what I said/nag, but well, I’m good at making him feel guilty too…:)
Oh, I nag more than him but I’m not very good at making him feel guilty. I think he’s better at it then me. Haha.
I know it’s easier said than done but don’t worry….at least your hubby is there with you…
Yah. Its a bit of a rush for us. He has to rush back from work, we rush to drop the kids, we rush to the hospital, then we wait, wait, wait. After that its rush to collect the kids, rush to makan etc. Hehe.
I blogged about Making the most of your Doctor’s visit some time back in the MMR.
Try not to worry too much about the upcoming appointment, and I’s sure you will do just fine.
My son had the same problem as your daughter ie milk teeth that refuse to drop out. I managed to shake one of his incisors loose — don’t worry the tongue will help push the new one in place with time (I presume the new one erupted behind the old one?) Of course I had less success with one of his stubborn premolars and he had to have it extracted under GA about in Dec 05 (documented in my blog) when he was 16! Hopefully your daughter will be much more cooperative with the dentist!
Thank you so much for the link. 🙂 Yes, my girl’s teeth are coming in behind the milk ones. Two of them. The two front milk teeth are lose but taking its time to come off.
Sometimes “anger” is a much easier emotion to deal with then fear or sadness or uncertainty.
Hmm… I don’t think any of them are easy to deal with. Bad to avoid them all for a stress free life eh?
Pap smear is a quick and easy procedure and a good practice to have it done. Please do not worry too much. At least this time, you have thought it through and not to be anxious, you are in control.
Yes, I even advocated that mothers should remember to take care of their health and get their pap smears done and here I am procrastinating. 😛 As for the other, its just a routine visit and probably won’t last very long despite the hours of waiting to see the doc. I should be thankful that its just routine and I have nothing new to update the doc rite?