These days, quite often when I read the papers, I would read about how we are now working towards a less exam-oriented education system for obvious reasons blah blah blah.
So it was to my utter shock when I was handed papers for my son to study when I went to confirm a place for him for Standard One next year. “Study this. He will be tested in February.” the clerk told me.
Huh????? The papers had sukukata, words and sentences in Malay. Wow! I thought he was entering Standard One to learn ABCs and 123s but now he will be tested in Malay sentences in February!?
Oh and not only in February too. He will be tested 3 times a year?????? That is what I understand from this article in the Star about the Literacy and Numeracy (LINUS) programme that was started this year 2010. The objective of this programme is to ensure that “ALL Malaysian children without learning disabilities should be able to read and write Bahasa Malaysia, and do basic mathematics by Year Four.” Right. Right. Oh I see. So why is he being tested on Malay sentences in Year One on the second month of schooling??????
See what this mum has to say about the Linus programme. Here is another opinion from
my sis (she runs a nursery) did mention to me bout this linus thingy. she has a set of last year question which she is using to prepare her 6yo kindies for it.
Yes, kindies these days have more and more work don’t they?
ah? Really ? I heard that next year Std 1, there will be new syllabus, so this is part of the new syllabus? So it is catered for “normal children” , what about children like my child who are special but not that extreme special need? Boy…I am worried. I am worried the new system will totally slash down his confidence and esteem and kill his bubbly personality.
I am not so confident they thought about special children during implementation. Sigh.
I got a rude shock when Linus was first introduced in March this year. My son came home telling me the exam was so hard and it was never taught to him before. I then had to google and find out more myself.
He passed the test (wonder how he got around it) and is not required to sit for further exams held in June and Sept until next year when the “game” will start all over again. Those who failed are required to attend a separate class during school hours.
And I thought we were gearing towards a less exam oriented education system?
Yeah, my boy had the LINUS test twice already.
Heard that the Bahasa test was very difficult, that’s why they handled you the paper to prepare your boy.
The Math still OK coz most of them have been learned at kindy.
I think my boy will have no problem with the Math. I am not so sure about Bahasa though.
I don’t mind the test. It’s meant to assess his preparedness for the school syllabus (altho’ in most countries, kids are only tested from yr 3 onwards) If he fails one, at least i KNOW he needs help in a specific area. Better that I can address it immediately rather than be blur abt his weakness. Like a medical exam, just focus on what needs to be done rather than the competitive aspect of pass or fail.
read too from 5xmom and all the comments below. Pro and con, i would say, but its really sad that our education is becoming more and more rojak by the many frequent changes. I no longer know what is right or wrong for our children anymore. previously i was very relax about qiqi’s study (she is attending a very leisure and no exam preschool) but seeing all these, it really freaks me out now. Am thinking to send her to all sorts of tuition (maths, chinese, bm, english) to brush her up and be on par with other kids her age (from other preschool) while its still not too late.*sob..sob*..