I’ve turned into a true blue housewife. I’ve started watching Hong Kong Drama Serials online. Help! Hahaha.

If you don’t see much of me online these days, it could be because I’m stuck watching those addictive Hong Kong Drama Series Online. I’ve never watched those very much before especially when the kids were young because I didn’t have the time. I don’t even subscribe to Astro so my TV watching hours are very very limited. The kids too. We don’t watch TV very much but we do have special allocated TV evenings where we would sit down together to watch a VCD Cartoon Movie. Thats the extent of my TV hours.

But now that I’ve discovered Mysoju. I’m stuck. Their tagline says “Feed your drama addiction ……” Its a good tagline because the list of dramas seem endless. There are Korean Dramas, Japanese Dramas, Taiwanese Dramas but I like Hong Kong Dramas best.

The dramas are nicely broken down into short parts that you can watch online via streaming rather than downloading. So you’ve got to have a good internet connection otherwise,  you will feel frustrated. What you can do is, open the dramas in different windows, then allow them to download fully before watching, otherwise they will keep breaking up and you will lose your patience.

The dramas or episodes are listed in a well organised manner like The Gem of Life here, for example.

Do check it out if you like dramas. It has a really good list. I like it because I can watch the Asian Drama Series in short parts but the best thing is its free!

You know, this is not a sponsored post but sometimes I think I’ve written too many paid posts till my style of writing has changed somewhat. Oops! Anyway, I just think that a good thing ought to be shared. 🙂

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